Thursday 17 September 2009

15mm Mahdists

Did take some photos of my Mahdist's before becoming bored with painting them. Have gone from using GW washes to Army Painter dip in an attempt to get them done as quickly as I can, but still lost interest.

Pleased with the results of both approaches, but will go with the Army Painter for the rest of the Army as it looks good and takes about 1/3rd less time.

Here's some photos of Army Painter dipped units.

Summer's over

Well, the kids are back at school, the nights are starting to draw in, and gaming is back on the agenda.

Went to Colours last week, which I really enjoyed as it was the first show I've been to since Partizan, in May (couldn't make the Other Partizan this year). My purchases really reflected the impact of the podcasts I've discovered and been listening to over the summer. These have really broadened my knowledge and enjoyment of my hobby, as now I can spend my 3 hours of daily commuting listening to and finding out about Wargaming.

I've listened to
- Meeples and Miniatures
- All about Miniatures
- This Week in Wargaming
- The D6 Generation

Am enjoying them all, and because of them have purchased
- Two fleets and the rules for Uncharted Seas - Meeples and Miniatures rated them, and I got a chance to play them at Colours
- Khador and Cygnar starter packs and the rule book for Warmachine - thanks to the D6 Generation
- Thud Ridge - thanks to M&M again.

As to the summer, didn't paint or game much as we were away most weekends and the summer nights were spent with the family. That said, I did strip down and paint up my 20 year old Battletech figures, which have sat unloved for a couple of decades. Now getting them ready to play again in Future War Commander. Also we got a game of AK47 in, with the new rules, and a first game of Warmaster Ancients with my 6mm Romans. Enjoyed both games, although as ever we made a few mistakes with the rules.

So, with more time now to paint and game, my goals to the end of the year are
(1) Finish my 15mm Mahdists for Patrols in the Sudan
(2) Finish my 6mm 1988/9 Soviet and US forces for Cold War Commander
(3) Finish my 6mm Future War Commander forces, which I've now decided to rebase back to the single base units!!
(4) Finish my Human and Orc fleets for Uncharted Seas (and maybe add a Dwarf fleet)
(5) Finish my Khador and Cygnar starter sets for Warmachine

How far will I get?