Tuesday 24 November 2009

Uncharted Seas Fleets

Purchased Human and Orc fleets for Uncharted Seas. This is the Human fleet. Not played a game yet, but was fun painting them.

Photos from the Summer Games

Some shots of my 6mm Baccus Roman Army for Warmaster Ancients. Approx 1000pts worth. Played against Chris's Germans, and despite a few wrong turns with the rules, had a good game. Will revisit again.

Achievements in Gaming - October 09

Following in the style of the D6G podcast, which I'm loving, have started to list the things I've done in my world of gaming. Here are the achievements for October

Purchases (a bit excessive, but also a blow out after getting the redundancy out of the way).
- Ticket to Ride Europe
- Command & Colors Ancients
- Carcassone
- Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game
- Battlelore
- Monster Apocalypse (2 x Starter Sets and a couple of boosters)
- DRM's Majestic Mech
- Polemos ACW rules
- Warmachine troops - Khador Winter Guard, Cryx Starter Set, Khador Widow Makers, and Cygnar Long Gunners
- Dwarf fleet for Uncharted Seas
- Adler 6mm SF figures and vehicles - the new Talin IFV

Wargames Played
- Played Polemos ACW in 6mm at Chris's - was OK. Need to learn the rules, and the game broke down into three separate battles, which seems to be a common thing with the ACW
- Played my first game of Warmachine at the Eye of the Storm. Was fun. Very detailed and with loads of options. Comes across as easy to play, but then you realise the depth of options and get a real sense of the subtle nature of the game.

- Played 11 games of Call of Duty 4 online
- Played Soul Calibur 2 on the Wii
- Played Mario Kart Wii too many times

Boardgames Played
- Last Night on Earth - 4 times
- Caracassone - 2 times
- Ticket to ride, Europe - twice

- Completed my Dwarf fleet for Uncharted Seas
- Repainted my Battletech mechs for FWC
- Painted up a couple of units of Adler SF, and the DRM Majestic for FWC
- Also painted my Cygnar heavy Warjack for Warmachine
- Finally, got hold of 300 1 cent € coins for basing 15mm figures on for Skirmish Games

- Visited the Eye of the Storm game shop, in Nottingham twice
- Went to the Orc's nest in London twice
- Visited Derby Wargames show (Chris drove - what a nightmare!) - had a different approach - went to game, and played two games of Last Night on Earth

Other Things
- Started my catch up with the D6G podcasts. Covered;
- Starcraft
- Battlefoam
- Serenity RPG
- Cut Throat Caverns
- Race to the Galaxy
- Pandemic
- Galaxy Truckers
- Ticket to Ride