Thursday 21 June 2012

Lords of Water Deep and Small World

Was a quiet night up at the Brackley club on Tuesday - England were playing Ukraine in Euro 2012. Those of use who did turn up had a good game of Lords of Waterdeep and a quick four player game of Small World.

Lords of Waterdeep was a close run thing between three of us, with only 8 points separating us at the end. The fourth player had an interesting strategy of just dealing with intrigue cards - got a lot of points at the end, but not enough to catch up those of use who'd played the more traditional quest completion strategy.

The game played really fast - less than 90 minutes (probably 75), with four players, two of whom hadn't played before. Wasn't as in your face competitive as the previous game - felt more like a game of Ticket To Ride in that we were doing our own thing, with some interaction and frustration between players, but not a lot.

Given the speed of play of the game, do believe it will be played a lot more - and the box control and components are excellent!

Hadn't played Small World for a few months, apart from the iPad version, and been a long time since I'd played it with more than two players. So was a tight fun game - those players who'd played before had a distinct advantage - the double bonus of reducing your opponents score at the same time as adding to yours, and knowing which races and abilities to play, came through against the two players who were new to the game. That said, they did pick it up quickly and were getting into the strategy after a couple of moves.

Next week is Risk Legacy, and hopefully our first game of The Resistance.

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